Life Overview Wellness Session details:
The purpose of the Life Overview Wellness Session is for healing, strengthening, and awakening of the client's heart, mind, body, and soul, to assist them through current emotional and physical challenges in their life, find their true soul purpose, achieve their goals and manifest the desires of their higher self. Within a Life Overview Wellness Session Betsy strives to cover all of the current challenges that the Client is facing in their life. This is usually achieved, but time is limited within a session so Betsy will cover the most important challenges to the Client first. Cost for the Life Overview Wellness Session is $444.
- After scheduling the Life Overview Wellness Session the Client will be emailed a Life Overview Wellness Session Client Form and a link to the scheduled 75 minute video conference session call. The Client is asked to hand write their answers within the form if possible because the energy of writing these words is important. The completed form will then be emailed to Betsy at least 2 days before the date of the session.
- Betsy will review the completed Life Overview Wellness Session Client Form for 1-2 hours. During this time she connects with Spirit to receive messages of healing and guidance for the Client. Around 70-80% of the messages are received at this time; the remainder will be received during the session call when the Client describes their specific challenges in more detail.
- Before the session call, Betsy will go into a 30 minute meditation consisting of raising her vibration, connecting with the Infinite Spirit, Spirit Guides and Archangels as well as implementing protection for the Client and herself so they can be in a vulnerable and open space. All Wellness Sessions are confidential.
- Betsy and the Client will connect for their scheduled 90 minute session call via video conferencing. The Client should connect to the video conferencing application 15-20 minutes before the call, especially if it has not been used on their device or computer previously. The Client should be prepared with a pen and notepad to write down their action steps and guidance from Spirit.
- The video conference call will be recorded and for Clients within the United States Betsy will mail a USB stick of the recording to the Client 1-2 days after their session. Clients outside of the United States will receive the recording to download over the cloud.